Oligospermia Also called low sperm count, or even a less than usual quantity of sperm within the semen is characterized via semen evaluation. Other related problems — like low sperm motility (movement), abnormal sperm shape (morphology) or deficient sperm development (rate ) — may also happen and also make achieving pregnancy during sex hard.

Knowing the Reason for low sperm count is essential in Deciding the best treatment choices. Treatments may include medical treatment to deal with infections, hormone replacement therapy or surgical decisions.

Low sperm count can have a number of possible causes, including:

Ayurvedic Treatment for Oligospermia

Oligospermia, also called low sperm count, means that sperm aren’t present in the semen. There Are Two Sorts:

Non-obstructive Oligospermia is the most frequent form and means there’s an issue with sperm production.

Obstructive Oligospermia means sperm has been generated, but there’s an obstruction or obstruction of the reproductive system. Be corrected, or even a procedure of semen recovery might be used.

Sperm Recovery Techniques

For guys who Don’t Have Any sperm present in the semen, several Kinds of Minimally invasive surgical procedures can be found to extract semen in the testicles.

Some standard processes include:

Testicular Mapping — Also Called fine needle aspiration (FNA) Biopsy of the testicle, testicular mapping is a nonsurgical technique of Specifying the degree of Oligospermia and also the existence of semen.

The invasive strategy employs a tiny needle passed to the epididymis to retrieve sperm. It is most often used with guys with obstructive Oligospermia, like following a vasectomy.