Sexual desire disorders are categorized according to the stage of the human sexual response cycle where they occur. In treating male sexual conditions, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) divides the procedure of getting intercourse into four stages:
The initial phase is desire, during which one may fantasize about sex and, logically, encounter the desire to engage in sexually fulfilling activities.
Throughout the excitement stage, one experiences sexual enjoyment and the physical changes such as excretion of organic lubricants at the vaginal region and penile enlargement.
Lastly, one enjoys a feeling of comfort and well-being during the resolution phase.

Common Causes for Male Sexual Disorder

Ayurvedic Treatment for male sexual disorder

Sexual dysfunction may lessen or altogether avert any or all of these stages; you may experience sexual desire but not one of the bodily changes that make sexual possible. One can become sexually excited but discover that orgasm is mysterious and hence, without orgasm, cannot the gratification of the fourth period of sex.

Sexual dysfunctions can also be labeled as to type. Those who spend their entire lives fighting with their symptoms are regarded to have a lifelong kind of erectile dysfunction. Others may have had no previous difficulties, but then develop what is called an obtained sort of sexual dysfunction.

Health Tips & Information

Some people today experience sexual dysfunction through all sexual scenarios; this is called a generalized type of disease. Others are diagnosed with a situational kind of disorder, meaning it only occurs in certain conditions.

The causes of erectile dysfunction may be biological or psychogenic (because of emotional or social conflicts).

There are many possible physical reasons a person has difficulty with sexual function; age, disease, injury and fatigue can play a role.

Deficiency of experience can be a mill; a young person may not know a great deal about the mechanics of sex or their bodies.

There Are Lots of possible psychological influences that can influence how one thinks about, reacts to, and participates or chooses not to participate in sexual activity.